a month later...

I had the best of intentions to post before now but...well.... : )
This last month we emerged from the house to enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine! Owen is into wanting to help. In whatever task Paul or I is(?) doing, Owen is always running up to ask "Can I help?!" So he's often helping Paul fix things and helping me cook. He loves to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer, and gets out the sweeper to sweep after supper. Hannah is picking up more and more words each day and has quite the vocabulary. She cracks us up daily and loves to be all decked out in a hat, shades, boots, and several layers of clothes. Maddie is continuing to develop and had her 4 month check up yesterday. She is 14 lbs 14 oz. She is doing really well holding her head up and enjoys hanging out on her belly. She has even started to roll a little from belly to back. Maddie is starting to babble and throughly enjoys watching Owen and Hannah run around.
Summer is here and school is out so our days just got busier. But it's great to have a sandbox and swingset in our backyard for the kids. We have a few small trips for the summer which will be our vacations and we are looking forward to them!


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