Intentional Relationships

Relationships. No one likes an imposter. Someone who says one thing and does another. We value authenticity. Being able to believe that the way a person acts and speaks is who they really are, not just a show. We appreciate being able to trust others in this way. And I would assume others would value this in us as well. But, have you ever found yourself acting different for other groups of people than with others? Sure, there is a time for business-self and casual-self; that’s not what we’re discussing here. I’m talking about swaying your stance on things just to please the people who you are with. It may lead to temporary smooth waters, but what ripple effect could we be causing? Peter was up against this when it came to the believers in Antioch. Paul saw it and called him out on it: But when Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. For prior to the coming of some men from James, he used to eat with the Genti...