Lessons from windshield wipers

Lessons from windshield wipers.

Our wipers have been going bad for quite awhile. And then they were pretty bad for quite some time. Yet I continued to drive around with them like this for far too long. You see, the store where I needed to get them was outside of my normal route, so I just didn't fit it into my day. All it would really take is for me to drive a little bit out of my way, park, and walk into the store and buy new ones. 10 minutes tops to get it all done. But I just didn't. Bigger and better things to do. The minor inconvenience was enough for me to put it off.

This week I told myself I was going to make the time for it. It was such a simple thing, I needed to stop making it so complicated. Wipers have now been changed from that debacle below to clear views while driving. #bouttime

What else are we letting fall to the wayside in life? What is that thing that you know you need to do/ should do, but you keep putting it off? I know this is symbolic of others things in my life that I need to stop putting off and just DO already.

Here's my encouragement to you. Go get the wipers. It's worth the inconvenience and you can see a WHOLE lot better when you do.


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