September Lookback

I laugh because it's funny.
I cry because it's true.

May is nuts for teachers. I didn't really understand it until Paul became one. And I didn't really understand how crazy September is either. But I have noticed a pattern  in these last 4 years. September gets the crazy month award. Yes, it beats December. Whew. The wind down in May and the ramp up in September is unlike the whole rest of the year.

But I managed to get a few pictures in there.  Unfortunately, my 11 year old Canon camera is giving me an error 99 code so I had to rely on my less-than-stellar phone camera to capture the moments.

The kids are learning chicken chores, and how having pets isn't always fun. And, here's the bummer, one was killed by a racoon, so we are not down to 4.....

The Columbus Marathon and 1/2 Marathon is in a week and a half. Training really ramped up. Still needing donations to reach our goal. Every little bit helps!

More figs are coming. Loved getting creative with these tasty treats

Finding more uses for 1000 library cards - chore charts and grocery lists!

We had quite a few hot, humid days in September. This was my exact reaction when I walked out and got in my car after being in the office all day. Good grief.

We have a baker in our family! Muffins and cookies have been made so far with absolutely NO help from me. She even cleaned up after herself without being prompted. Score.

Fort building with friends

A quiet moment on the porch with iced coffee and sunflowers.

Helping with traffic control for the Gateway Woods Hog and Jog. I had 3 great cheerleaders along with me.

I generally do not say yes to expensive coffee. But I had a gift card and it was super hot and I kinda wanted to say yes for a change. Frozen Pumpkin Spice all around.

Family Motto. My words from a Facebook post earlier in the month: What started out as a cute little thing that 6-year-old Owen said, has blossomed into a family motto. Do more GOOD moves.
Because we're all going to mess up today. Sheesh, some of us have already messed up this morning 😳 but don't let that stop you. Do more good moves than bad ones. Make today a good one.

Hosting potluck after a full weekend was a bit overwhelming, but once we were in it, so glad we did.

When you are all dressed for work and realize that the chickens need water before you head out and you are the only one home.... #dresswithrainboots

Loved seeing this random rainbow against the clouds as I was walking out of Meijer one morning.

Got to go on a field trip with Hannah's class to Sauder's Village. Loved hanging with this group of girls, too.

We ended the month with the 5th Annual Suvar Campout. We call it a campout though none of us slept outdoors. But we did have a campfire!! We worked hard, played hard, and enjoyed just being together.

Because of various injuries and a certain lady's pregnancy (NOT mine) the 6 of us opted to all walk the 4 mile 'race' this year.  It was great walking the city as a group...and getting donuts and coffee afterwards.

Cannot believe this boy is going to be 11 in just a few days.....


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