May Lookback

 Wooo, May. You were a bit nuts.  You kept us moving from sunup to sundown. Soccer, Ballet, Jog-A-Thon, End of School Events, Potluck, Coffee with a Friend, Date Night (YES!!), plus a whole lot more in between.

There were a lot of hard things that happened in May, things that can't be put into pictures, hard life-altering things, that happened to a lot of people who are in our circle. As an empath, I struggle to focus as my heart breaks for them, as I bring them before the Throne of our Father.  I count it a privilege that I can be a prayer warrior for them. As I witness them glorifying God through their suffering, I am humbled by what I can learn from them. Plus it shows me I have so far to go.

The things that can be put into pictures, well, there is quite a line up for May:

 Soccer Season, it can be 40 and raining one week and 70's the next. One week, because of colliding schedules, I had to coach Owen's soccer team for Paul. It was, well, that face below describes how I felt...

 We managed a Date Night in May. Here, the kids are waiting 'patiently' for Grandma to pick them up.

 Science Experiments with Dad.

 Jog-a-Thon. Every child wanted me to run with them. We ended up doing over a 100 laps (over 15 miles between the 4 of us).

 Held a potluck in our home. It doesn't happen very often, and I was a bit nervous about it. But I think it went fairly well...

 Mother's Day, and I failed to get a picture with all my kids :(  But I got one with Madeline, and our matching necklaces she gave me.

 Madeline (her back to us, in the pink shorts) tried her hand (foot?) at soccer for the first time.

 Coffee with a sweet friend

 Birthday celebration with the Suvars

 Madeline as a pirate

 Reading Reward night at the Tin Caps game. Paul caught one of the 'soft' balls thrown out as prizes.

 I have a dear Aunt and Uncle who keep an eye out for Fiestaware and send it my way. I have a fun, eclectic collection, and I love that my kids like to drink tea from it all.

 Second to last day of school, no homework or things due, so we were able to stop for an impromtu play at the park on the way home from school.

 Paul coached Owen's soccer team this year and went undefeated in their league.

 Last day of school and saying goodbye and thank you to 3 fabulous teachers. I thank God daily (no exaggeration!) that we are able to send our kids to the school that they attend.

 And to go along with tradition, after dismissal from school on the last day, we head to the zoo to celebrate (and do ice cream afterward!)


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