September Lookback

I am very sad each time I think of how I haven't been blogging in, like, well, a really long time.

It's therapeutic for me to type out my thoughts and it just hasn't been happening.  I can barely have the time to sit down and do the Lookback posts let alone other various ramblings.

But everyone's life is full and we truly make time for what really matters. So, I guess there are bigger things that are mattering right now.

But I don't want to slack off on the Lookbacks. If only for myself. I appreciate being able to look back over the years and see how our months differ from each new season of life.

So, September of 2016.  For some reason September always seems to be the month that everything happens. All schedules intersect and all of the things are happening.  It's OK. Life happens like that. There were just some times of it that we felt like we were just hanging on for the ride.

But in the hustle of it all, I don't want to lose the focus of what we're supposed to be doing month to month, regardless of what is on our calendar: living for Jesus. And reflecting His Light to those around us. And passing that Truth on to our kids.

A few September Highlights:

 Random Ice Cream treat. We had a gift card, the best way to go.

 Paul started work on a barn/shed. Completely building from scratch. It's been quite the project, but we've had willing family members come and help (thank you!)

 Paul let himself get talked into doing his first Triathlon. Once he got past the swimming part, he rocked it, of course. :) And we had blast cheering him on in the rain.

 Sewing projects, playing with fake pumpkins, and building with Lincoln Logs

 Worship Night. Loved it. Every moment. And I got to go home with the Bass Player...

 Evening walks.

 Random shots while hanging around outside

 Our 3 Minions

 I had the joy of going on two different field trips. With Owen to Sauder Village and Hannah to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. And loved that I could hang out with two sweet, dear friends during them, too.

And the BIGGEST highlight of the month: The Wiegands are back in the States! We were able to host them over a weekend and felt so blessed to be able to spend that time reconnecting and finally getting to meet their newest member of the family


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