August Lookback
OK, I'm on a roll. Posting August's Lookback in September! I'm getting back on track! Oddly enough not a single picture was taken with my decent camera, all of it was on my camera phone. So, most pictures aren't all that great. But they at least give an idea of what went on.
I had read somewhere that August is the last hurrah of Summer. And, even though Summer isn't officially over until late September, I am totally find if it wraps up it's job in August.
The first couple weeks were spent trying to eek out the last drops of break before school started up again. Things on the kids' list: splash pad, Carol's pool, the zoo, and staying at both grandparents' houses. We managed to get it all done before the school bell rang.
The last couple weeks of August were spent adjusting to a school schedule and whether out storms....literally. The tornado sirens went off 4 times in one week's time. Four too many for me. Thankfully, the weather settled down to give us a nice lead in to Labor Day....and September.

We've enjoyed a decent crop of corn and a handful of potatoes from our little garden patch
I had read somewhere that August is the last hurrah of Summer. And, even though Summer isn't officially over until late September, I am totally find if it wraps up it's job in August.
The first couple weeks were spent trying to eek out the last drops of break before school started up again. Things on the kids' list: splash pad, Carol's pool, the zoo, and staying at both grandparents' houses. We managed to get it all done before the school bell rang.
The last couple weeks of August were spent adjusting to a school schedule and whether out storms....literally. The tornado sirens went off 4 times in one week's time. Four too many for me. Thankfully, the weather settled down to give us a nice lead in to Labor Day....and September.
With no air conditioning, we spent many summer afternoons and evenings at the splash pad. The best was reading a book while dipping our feet in the water.

Owen spent 3 nights away at Cub Scout camp. It a first for him. I was nervous, he was excited. It all worked out. But I was certainly glad to see him climb in the van all in one piece at the end of it all.
An evening spent with friends
We've enjoyed a decent crop of corn and a handful of potatoes from our little garden patch
Final summer zoo visit
I love how much these two have spent playing together with their Legos.
How we spent our 14th wedding anniversary.
Watching the radar and the meteorologist track tornadoes across NE Indiana.
Back to school night, sitting in tiny desks.
Madeline's Summer Story: "I went to South Carolina and I got a hole in one."
Spending time outside, listening to an audio book
A milestone for us was saying goodbye to our home that we owned for the past 10 years. Renters came and went and the housing market is worse than it was pre-Recession, but it was a bittersweet day. Saying goodbye to what we thought at one point would be our forever home, and being thankful that we could pass the keys on to someone else.
One final swim in Carol's pool. We are so thankful they are willing to let us use it!
When you don't want to heat up your house with cook outside.
First day of school!
3rd for Hannah, 4th for Owen, 1st for Madeline
Just a little dress up at Grandma's
The Steffen Campout. Always lots of great food and company.
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