May Lookback

 It's July. Half way through July.

And this is a May Lookback.

I am so behind I hang my head in shame. I will not give excuses.  But I do hope that this does not become a trend.

Not because you are all on the edge of your seats waiting in anticipation for what the Suvars are up to, but because, it is SO hard to remember all the details 6 weeks after the fact.  I need to record right at the end of the month so I can record the details better.

So, most of this will be pictures with commentary between.  Mostly for the benefit of grandparents, who are really the ones who read this anyway.

Without further ado....May.

 We did soccer. Thankfully Owen and Hannah were on the same team so we only had to do one set of practices and one set of games.  Hooray for multi-tasking!

 Burning dinner + sunny evening = sunbeams shining through the prisms in the door. The picture doesn't quite capture how really cool it was.  But the dinner was NOT cool. Not at all.

 Jog-a-thon: a suprer crazy day where Paul is in charge of all the food for a giant crowd and all our kids want me to run the laps with them.  6 miles total.

Mother's Day. Special breakfast and special performance by the kids.

 Spending some time with the Steffen clan. Always a good time and always good for a laugh.

 Taking in a baseball game, thanks to a Reading Program through school.

 Owen's Cub Scout pinning, and his God and Me badge

 Finally doing hot-weather activities: washing the van and running through the sprinkler

 Hannah and Madeline's Dance recital. Sam and Kat came for the weekend and of course some Mario Cart had to be played.

 While at my work, Owen wanted to write on the chalkboard...and this is what he chose to write.

 Finally the first tooth has come out!

My 3 warriors and their fort.

 Hannah's genealogy project

 The last day of school! Saying goodbye and thank you to 3 awesome, Godly women: Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Good, and Mrs. McKown.  So thankful for their influences in our kids' lives this past year. Also, it was so glorious to get out BEFORE Memorial Day. I can't remember the last time that happened, but it has helped the summer feel just a tad bit longer (obviously....).

 Celebrating the start of Summer (for the kids AND Paul) by going to the zoo.

And REALLY celebrating the start of Summer with a roadtrip, just the two of us, to a wedding in Nebraska.  The scenery wasn't all that spectacular (hello corn fields!) but the company was the best.


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