Paring down the Unecessary

I've had this running through my head for a bit and I decided recently that I was just going to do it. I guess I'm a bit hesitant as it will involve me being committed to it for a year. I didn't want it to go the way of New Year resolutions, losing steam halfway through January. So, I did what any person in this modern age does to stay accountable: I put it on social media. I don't think that I have alot to offer when it comes to talent or exemplary attributes (I had to marry someone who had that instead!) But, I have been told by many that I have a knack for organization. And, well, I kinda like doing it. Cleaning, organizing, purging, putting things where they belong. Ask my mom: it started at a very early age. But, just like a Contractor whose own home is in need of some overdue remodeling, my own home is getting a bit, umm, disheveled. We've lived in this house for 2.5 years, and although I regularly purge and clean, things still tend to get awa...