June Lookback

Oh, June went fast.  We started the month with a few final days of school, celebrating by going to the zoo and eating ice cream.  The month rolled on with Owen going to basketball camp and led into the next week of all three kiddos attending Vacation Bible School.  We finished the final full week of June with a trip out East. 

Our first ever Suvar Party of 5 vacation.  11 hours on the road got us to Williamsburg, VA where we spent a quite splendid week (pics of that trip in a post coming soon).

And here we are in July.  One full month left of summer vacation.

June filled up fast.  We are hoping for a bit more space between the hours of July, trying to get all we can out of the more slow paced life of summer. 

But for the moment, here are the moments of June, presented in picture form:

 Owen worked hard all year to get the most points in his grade for Accellerated Reader.  He accomplished just that...and received a medal for it.

 Had a surprise when hearing Hannah's name called for Best Artist in the 1st Grade. 

 Final pictures with 1st and 2nd grade teachers!

Enjoying the zoo and an ice cream treat

Got to get away for a day and visit my sister and my newest little niece!  Vanessa Nichole.

Natalie and Carson are pretty cute, too...

Had the much-anticipated excavator come to our house and move a TON of dirt and gravel from our driveway.  Before (above) the drive sloped toward out house and we were forever pushing water back and praying it didn't come into our house.  We have built a wall of gravel around our entry to try to keep the water out.

After 6 hours nearly half a foot on dirt was scraped away.  And just in time.  This was complete the 8th of June, just days before we had 3 weeks of daily downpours, creating a new record as the wettest month ever here: 11.74 inches.  We would have had water in our house, no doubt.

Half of the mountain of dirt and gravel.  We are still trying to figure out where to go with it all.

Local Baseball game and fireworks with Grandpa and Grandma.
Watching the rain..and seeing it flow AWAY from our house.  I have thanked the Lord daily for this!

Hannah had us do a scavenger hunt.  Judging by her spelling, one would think that she may need to head back to school.  Oy.  She takes after her mother.
A translation as best as I can tell:
1. Stick together and you look any way
2. If you find it you bring it out

1. if you find it leave it be
2. Maddie is just doing it

Paul and I have found much humor in the last line, 
and like to randomly tell each other "Hey, Josh boing it."

Maddie is riding a bike! No more training wheels in this family!

First crop from our garden, and the first time we have successfully grown broccoli - Score.

More pictures to come, but a pic from our trip to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.


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