May Lookback

 May kept us hopping with the continuation of soccer three nights a week (good grief!) and various end of school year events.

I realized toward the end of the month that May had been a Gateway reunion of sorts for me.  One of our former 'kids' (resident) moved back to our area.  Our whole family was pretty stoked as we are able to see a lot more of him now, and even had him join us for our Friday Night Pizza supper.

And we got a card and picture in the mail from another former resident - graduating from high school and doing well!

Soon after I get a visit at my office from two of our former residents, one even stayed and talked with me for an hour and a half.

And to wrap it up, we attending the high school graduation of yet another of our 'kids.'

Whew.  All in one month.  Seems if goes way too long with no news from anyone and then...

When it rains it pours - in a good way.

Amidst all the "reunions" we took in a baseball game, Maddie tried her hand (foot?) at riding with no training wheels, thoroughly enjoyed a weekend with old and dear friends, and witnessed the final preschool graduation of our children.

One of the days this week I was sitting outside enjoying the low humidity and the end of the school year.

Thankful for God's faithfulness that is so evident in my life, and the lives of those I love.

I doesn't always make sense, and sometimes it really hurts.  And sometimes in the middle of it all we can't see His unwavering Love and Faithfulness.  But it's there.  And knows what He is doing.

And I will rest in that.


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