Grandpa Herb

I've hesitated on what to write here, because I don't want to reduce my grandpa to just a few heart felt words on a page.

He was so much more than that.

But I feel like something needs to be said.

Grandpa Herb
taught me the importance of all things dairy
the value of hard work
the treasure of knowing your heritage 
and the value of your faith.

Husband, Dad, Foster dad, Adoptive dad, Grandpa, Spiritual Leader, Prayer Warrior, Dairy Farmer, Brother, Son.. the list goes on.

But most important, he is no longer constrained by the shackles of his human body.

His marriage to my grandma was something to be admired.  Many years ago when I learned they had fallen in love way back in the highschool and that they had been together in this life more than they had been apart, I hoped I could have something as wonderful as that.

They would have been married 65 years on Thursday.

I loved to follow his around on the dairy farm, see him work.  He sacrificed so many luxuries to keep the farm working, keep the cows milked, keep the family fed.

Grandpa could sit for hours and tell you the history of our family.  He had a wonderful memory for dates and names.  I wonder how many people he led on the "cemetery tour," taking them around to all the gravestone of past relatives?

Tonight I sit and have a bowl of buttered stir-crazy popcorn in memory of him.  He would always have a bowl of it ready for us, no matter how late we rolled in from our trek from Ohio.

Tonight I weep.  Not for Grandpa. 

For Grandma.  Because she must carry on without him.  She must continue on with the suffering of this life when I know she desires to be free like Grandpa now is.

I weep for the fact that there is even death in the first place.  Why sin has it's place in this world.  Why we all have to grow up and old and say good-bye.

But I have hope.  I know I will get to see Grandpa again.

And maybe he can introduce me to all those relatives he told me so much about.


  1. Beautiful! Praying for you and your family during this time.

  2. Nicole, I too loved your Grandpa. He made me feel welcome to Gridley when I was a young bride. He always made an effort to welcome me back when we visited. Having grown up on a dairy farm, I could always visit with him about the cows. Rejoicing in the memories and that he has finished strong. Will pray for your grandma.
    Kathy Schlipf

  3. thanks sweetie for the beautiful memorial.

  4. This is so much more than a few words about a man. This is a beautiful tribute, and I know he would love to read it without knowing him at all.

    Thoughts and prayers for your family.


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