July Lookback

Well, we didn't quite get all the projects done that we wanted to get completed in July.  There are quite a few things outstanding.  Our poor neighbors will be forced to look at our sad yard and landscaping for another year.  Meh.

But I can say that we got a few things accomplished.  Things like:

 Gardening: and all the rocks that the kids dug out

 Carrying on the Gateway tradition:  Friday night Pizza Night!

 The LEGO movie is in full-force around here now that it made it to DVD.  We have our own set of Master Builders...or at least ones that can quote the whole movie.

 Spent the weekend with Sam and Kat in Toledo
before the Poisonous Water hit.

 We checked out the Toledo Zoo...

 and took a picnic lunch.

 Walked downtown Perrysburg 

 And enjoyed some ice cream

 Photo Ops by the Maumee River

 Our newly planted peach tree gave us one peach this year.  We divided it 5 ways and each got a taste.

 Spent a day with our dear friends.  
Working to build memories and relationships before they head off into the jungle.

 And what's a summer without a little tent "camping?"

Hard to believe how fast this summer flew.  

I don't think I've used those words since 1999.  But here it is August, with school starting next week.  It's coming fast.  We're eager, we're nervous.  For all sorts of reasons.

But we've got one more week to live up this summer.  We'll see what we can squeeze into those seven days...


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