Auction Week
Growing up, my family always made their way to Gateway Woods every August for "The Sale." This giant auction spans 3 tents with all items being donated and all proceeds going to benefit the running of Gateway Woods. I loved going and seeing all the different things that were being auctioned off. Handcrafted furniture, electronics, handmade quilts, camping tents, canoes, trampolines, and the list goes on. It seemed like a pretty big deal when I was a little girl. And now having lived in the heart of it for 5 years I can tell you: It's a pretty big deal. A few thousand people flood the campus on that day, enjoying seeing friends, eating delicious food, and knowing all the money they are spending is going to a good cause. Although we only see the physical aspects of preparation a couple weeks before the Auction, there are people who are preparing for this day months in advance. In the last couple days we have seen the signs of the upcoming ...