A thought on fathers, and what we are called to do

A grandma.

An aunt.

A great-aunt.

A foster dad.

All seven teenagers under our roof right now has been raised by one of the above people.

Not a single one has been raised by their own biological father.

In some cases that is probably a good thing:  due to prison time, drug use, and other illicit activities being the main lifestyle activities of some of these men.

But it still is little consolation for kids who want the father who is not there.  Regardless of their lifestyle.

God has a high calling for fathers, calling them to lead and love.  But He also knows that we are living in a fallen world.

So he calls the rest of us to step up, stand in the gap.

Caring for the orphan in their distress (James 1:27).  Being mentors.  Being examples (I Corinthians 11:1).  Pointing these fatherless children to the One who they can call "Abba, Father."

It makes me yearn for the day that we can be in the Place where no one is fatherless, everyone is loved and feels loved.  We aren't to heaven yet, but let's step up and surround these children who need a father, leader, mentor.  So they can realize that even here on this earth, there is Someone waiting to be their Dad. 

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."  
Romans 8:15 

Who do you know?  Could be your child's friend.  Your neighbor.  A foster child.  A widow and their child.  We know they are out there.  We just need to brave enough (trust enough!) to step up and go.

Paul, so glad you are my husband and thankful for the father leadership that you give to me, our 3 kids, and countless teenagers who you mentor and encourage.


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