"One Less" A Call for Help in Ethiopia
What would the world look like if each of us made it our responsibility to see one less orphan without an education... one less orphan without a growling hunger... or one less orphan without a bleak future of poverty? In the next 45 days, our goal is to find a sponsor for every single child who has yet to be sponsored at our school in Lifesong Ethiopia . (Gulp! That's a tall order! See below how YOU can help.) We are asking for an investment of just $19/month that will result in a future leader for the renewal of Africa from the inside out. Invest in a life of a child. Invest in self-sufficiency. Invest in bringing hope to one more orphan. Together we can get EVERY child sponsored! Will you help us? How can YOU help each child find a sponsor: PRAY: Join us in praying for the 587 children who are unsponsored in Ethiopia. Pray for the thousands that will be given the opportunity to sponsor--that hearts would be open to helping a child in need. Pray that God will r...