

Owen is 1/3 of the way to 18.

Today he turned 6.  I read on a blog a few years back about a guy whose son turned 6 and it hit him that his son was a third of the way done with his time at home.

Granted, there are children who live at home past 18, and Owen may be one of them.  But if he trends like his dad....18 it will be.

It sobers me to realize that that time is already past.  I pray that we have used those 6 years to God's benefit and that Owen has been taught with that Truth that he needs whenever he does venture out on his own.

But, for this time, he is still under our roof. 

And we will continue to enjoy the sweet package that he is.

Owen, who more easily talks to adults that kids his own age.  Who is more at ease in a group of 5 teenagers than a circle of Kindergarteners.

Owen, who's soft heart causes him to tear up easily.  Those feelings are hurt so easily.  Oh, son, I understand it well.

Owen, who often thinks of others and wanted a chocolate birthday cake with chocolate frosting because that is what he knows his grandma would like.

Owen, in whom we are already seeing whispers of the Spirit, as he shares his thoughts and feelings about his relationship with Jesus.

But there is a whole lot of rowdy boy in there, too.  Ninja, race car driver, construction worker, LEGO builder, pilot.

Owen, we love to see how you are growing and learning and turning into the young man of God that He desires you to be.

Happy 6th Birthday, Owen!  We love you!


  1. Hi
    My name is Jenna and I came across your site. Your kids are beautiful princesses and a handsome prince. They are blessings, gifts, miracles, and earthly angels. Hooray Hooray For today! It's Owens birthday Hooray! Lets Celebrate! Owen is Six Hooray!
    I was born with a rare life threatening disease, developmental delays, 14 medical conditions. http://www.miraclechamp.webs.com


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