Celebrating a Milestone
10 years ago, despite our lack of a bank account or life experience, Paul and I embarked on the adventure of marriage together.
Today we celebrate the ups and downs that have made up our last decade.
Between the two of us we have:
owned 9 cars
worked at 7 jobs
lived in 5 homes
brought 3 children into this world
went through college....twice.
And many more things that may or may not ever be mentioned....
I can say I love him more than the day I married him, and no doubt will love him more the day we celebrate another 10 years.
I love you, Paul! I am so glad I get to share life with you and that you are willing to share yours with me! May God be given ALL the glory!
Happy 10 year anniversary!
August 24, 2002 |
Between the two of us we have:
owned 9 cars
worked at 7 jobs
lived in 5 homes
brought 3 children into this world
went through college....twice.
And many more things that may or may not ever be mentioned....
Nearly 10 years later - celebrating with a trip to Bermuda |
I love you, Paul! I am so glad I get to share life with you and that you are willing to share yours with me! May God be given ALL the glory!
Happy 10 year anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, you two! :)