Remembering June

June, for us, is summer in full swing.  I know it wasn't officially summer until the end of the month, but it was summer for sure starting at the very beginning.


Long days.

Falling into bed exhausted at night.

But looking back at some pictures, there were highlights for sure.
As we sorted though some stuff in storage, I came across my dress from Senior Prom.  You can't tell in the picture...but I am holding my breath.  (pretty sure this wasn't a highlight but those two goobers are too cute not to post)
Maddie found a Sharpie and proceeded to make herself into a 'faffe' (giraffe).  She somehow managed to not get it on her clothes at all....just the kitchen table and a few windows.
The super heroes made a return.
Hannah got her haircut for the first time ever.  Just the ends were trimmed, but I feel like it was so much more!
We had a few bridal showers, welcoming Laura into our family.  She will love me for this one!
Celebrating Father's Day and the most wonderful father and husband I could have ever hoped for.
Enjoying a once in a lifetime experience in a box suite at a Red's game.
Owen lost his first tooth...literally lost it - we have NO clue where it went!
Beautiful bouquets picked by 3 adorable Suvar's
And I just had to put a picture of Paul in there.  The man who helps me keep my sanity through these long, summer days.

June in a nutshell.  July has already started and has proven to be just as hot and long as June.  But God is faithful and provides just what we need, when we need it.  So, July, bring.  it.  on.


  1. Hope your July goes well!! I remember the exhausting days of summer at GW...add the incredible heat and I can imagine how tiring it is for you! BTW, you look beautiful in your prom dress! Not many people can fit into their high school prom dress:)

  2. i love the prom dress picture ( : 10+ years & 3 kids later you look great in it!


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