How am I smelling?


2 Corinthians 2:15-16

New International Version (NIV)
15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life
 A week or so ago, I had one of those moments that just grabs you by the shoulders, stops you in your tracks, and makes you think.

I kinda, sorta, like that when it happens.  Sometimes...

I was doing me some sewing, trying something new with a pattern I found in a library book.  A few months back I was the lucky recipient of some of my grandparents old pillowcases and sheets that no one else wanted.  I saw some potential in those old things and wanted to make them into something new.

So, I decided to take one of the old pillowcases, and turn it into this cute little hand bag.  I loved the old flower pattern and the fact that it was something that came from my grandparents house.  

At one point in the project I needed to iron some interfacing to the rest of the fabric.  As I pressed the iron to the material, a most wonderful scent filled the air:

the scent of my grandparents' house

Now, y'all, I cried.  I stood right there at the ironing board and cried.

It was such a nostalgic, beautiful scent that it took me back to the nights I would snuggle under one of my grandparents' comforters, falling asleep on their couch.

It brought back so many wonderful memories of time spent at their house.

And it also brought to mind the verse that is typed above.  What kind of 'scent' are we offering up to our God?  What kind of 'scent' are we giving off to others?

Is our scent one that reminds others of their Lord Jesus Christ?  Does it fill other believers with joy, and maybe a few happy tears, as they too long for their home in heaven?  Does your aroma give life to other believers, encouraging them on their journey?

If so, then this aroma should have the opposite effect on others.  Those that would deny that Christ exists.  Your scent should be the smell of death to them.

That one is kinda hard for me to accept.  Me the people-pleaser, wanting everyone to be happy with my 'scent.'

But if we are truly living for Christ, our aroma will be a sweet reminder to our fellow believers that Christ is living and redeeming.

But it will also smell awful to those who are hardened toward God, for it will remind them that death is all that awaits them.

But I believe it can smell sweet to those who do not yet believe, but have a soft heart, ready to receive the Truth.  Because they smell that sweet fragrance and want to have that aroma, too.

Just like how that little bit of material's scent reminded me of happy memories, I want my aroma to be pleasing to God; a scent that glorifies Him.

So, how are you smelling these days?  Is it a pleasing aroma of Christ?



  1. Cute bag...I recognize the fabric! And in reading your post, I could smell their house, too. Thanks for writing it!


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