2012 - A year in review
When a new year comes around I like to look back and reflect over the past 12 months. Here is a selection from each month, a sort of highlight of the last year of the Suvar's ( you can cli ck on the months to read each full post) . God shows his faithfulness throughout it all - all praise goes to Him! January So many of my regrets come from my REactions. Many of my victories stem from thoughtful actions. I am challenging myself to put this into practice with my own 3 little ones. I often react in impatience, frustration, anger. I would like to instead act with patience, long-suffering, and love. I want my kids to remember me as their mom who, instead of griping in anger about what they did wrong, speaks to them with gentleness, helping them to see what they did wrong, and what they can do better. That probably sounds all idealistic and a little bit like kum-by-ya, but I think putting it into practice will reap rewards. ...