Bittersweet Goodbyes

This morning we said goodbye to some very dear friends that we have gotten to know over the last 5 years.

Nathan and Rachel Mueller, and their four children, packed up their belongings and moved north to Michigan where they will be attending school to be trained to be missionaries. Their plan is to go live in the remotest parts of the world and bring the gospel story to those who have never heard of Jesus. Although this is a few years off, we are sad to have them leave even though they are currently only a state away.

I cry for my kids who have become great friends with the Mueller children. Kaine and Owen are only 9 months apart, Halle and Hannah only 6 weeks, and Layla and Maddie 2 months apart. Although they are not nearly as torn up as I am over the Mueller's leaving, I am sad for them and their friendship that will now have to be carried on from a distance. We hope to have our kids be their prayer warriors, each praying specifically for the Mueller kid who is the same age.

It's a bittersweet goodbye - we know they are headed for great things as they live out God's will for their lives and bring the Good News to those who have never heard, but are selfishly sad for our loss of neighbors and great friends.

I have taken several pictures of Owen and Kaine playing together this summer, knowing they won't have an opportunity like this again. I also took a few of the kiddos when we had the Mueller's over for dinner a few night before they left. In the one picture Owen and Kaine are looking through a National Geographic book looking for tribes for Kaine to go live with.

Nate and Rachel we cherish the friendship between our young families and pray God's guiding and protecting hand in your new adventure!


  1. Hey Nichole! I just now saw this blog post, and it is such a great post:) Thanks so much for everything--our kids will really miss yours, too. Hopefully they will be able to stay in contact, but we know it won't ever be the same as living next door:( Anyway, thanks, and we love you guys a lot!


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