2 months old!

Maddie had her 2 month check up today and weighed in at 11 lb 6 oz and 22 inches long. She's in the 75% for weight and 50th for height. Just about where the other two were in their growth at that age. Maddie is going about every 4 hours during the day between feedings and will go from 8 PM to 3:30AM, which gives me a bit of a break. She sometimes has trouble falling asleep at night and still wants to snooze all day but we're working on it. The other two continue to do well. Hannah is quite the little stinker, always pushing limits. She is picking up more and more words each day and it's fun to see her little personality bloom. Owen loves being the big brother (and sometimes the little parent...) We are thrilled that the weather is getting nice and Owen and Hannah can go outside and burn off some energy. Our work at Gateway is going great as well. We really enjoy the work we are doing with the teenagers and I thank God daily for leading us to this work. Above are a few pictures taken this past month. The one of Maddie on the changing table was taken because she was just about grown out the outfit she was wearing...the one she wore home from the hospital and was just swimming in! I know babies grow fast but sometimes I'm still surprised by just how fast that is.


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