Long time no write

My apologies, but it has been awhile since I've posted an update. Summer finally ended and for the first time in 9 years I was effected by the start of school (this time relieved :) Life slowed down in one aspect as we now have more family time with the residents in school. But in another way life got full as we are now covering 2 houses as alternates. We are on campus in the houses 18 days out of the month and sleeping in our own beds (bliss!) around 11 days. But it's a time of stretching and growing and I am working on keeping a thankful spirit throughout. Our kids are learning flexibility and seemed to have gone with the flow with no complaint. Baby #3 continues to grow and as I am typing this, is kicking and doing somersaults (I love the feeling!). We are looking forward to our ultrasound next month to get our first glimpse at the next Suvar. We aren't finding out the gender - we'll be surprised along with the rest of you! In regards to the pictures, Hannah likes helping me with the laundry and will load the clothes for me (sorted or not!) This is one good thing about front loaders! Even toddlers can help! Last month we had a day off and went to the zoo with my mom. This was one picture of Owen getting up close with a mongoose. I think that sums us up for the time being. We just keep on keeping on.....


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