1 month old!

So Hannah has been around for a month now. It feels longer than that. Probably because I was awake for more hours of the last month than I usually am in a given month's time (make sense?). Hannah is eating about every 2.5 to 3 hours during the day and anywhere from 2 to 4 hours at night. She is getting a little better at falling asleep on her own - I can put her in the bassinet drowsy/sleepy and she will fall asleep. But all in all she is acting like a one month old should : ) She does have a little bit of a cold this week so I'm having to snort out her nose every once in a while which makes her furious. Owen is doing well with the adjustment. He likes to help and will pick things up off the floor for me and try to stick the pacifier in Hannah's mouth when she's upset. I'm watching for signs of jealousy since I definitely am not spending as much time with him as I used to, but so far it's been OK. We're hanging in there, and just waiting for the night where we can get a solid 5 or 6 hours of sleep (that sounds glorious!)


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