7 ways to be intentional this Summer

Summer. Schools are winding down on the strangest school year ever and I know students and teachers both are looking forward to a reprieve! Last summer, though some things may have felt like summer, many things were unusual and maybe not how the typical season is spent. Because of that, you may be feeling the pressure to make up for it this year. And with that pressure the anxiety that you've got to make it the best summer yet. Whenever I feel that anxiety rising in me, I know it's rooted in expectations that I've placed on myself. And when I can root out those expectations and replace them with intentional moments, days seem more manageable and enjoyable. So, instead of setting a bucket list that I feel pressured to complete, I'm looking at ways I can be intentional with my kids this summer. Small ways of being intentional in different areas of life that can make this summer purposeful and refreshing for our spirits. Here's a few ideas I think I...