Week 4: Keep it short
As I alluded to last week, this week I am talking groceries - specifically the list that I follow to get said groceries. Last week I told the short tale of living at a Residential Treatment facility, where part of our salary was paid in food. For 5.5 years we had a pantry right on campus where we could get all the food necessities that we needed. This was grand...while it lasted. When we transitioned out of our Houseparenting role in 2014, and made the move into the real world of grocery shopping - it felt a bit daunting. I had been out of practice for so long, and the Recession, and increasing food prices, had happened in that time. My husband and I have a long-term dream of one day living on only half of our income, and giving the other half away (another post for another day). And one way to help make that happen was to be wise and prudent in our grocery purchases. Hence the main reason for our pared down grocery list. That, and I just tend to crave the minimal. ...