Raising Awareness, Raising Funds

If you have been a reader of this blog very long then you know of our many goodbyes over the past few years as friends have packed up and moved across oceans to serve in the mission field on foreign soil. At first I took it as a cruel joke that the friend who I felt the most "me" with, was now plane rides away in Zambia. And then another family whose kids were close friends of ours is making Papua New Guinea their new home for the next 25+ years. And Hannah, introverted Hannah, who was so excited to make a friend in Kindergarten, had to say goodbye 2 months later as her friend's family moved to Poland. The map that hangs in our house, a daily reminder for prayer and frugality And there are more. I am so thankful to be a part of a Sending Church, a Sending Community. But with that comes some responsibility. When Paul and I were first married 14 years ago we both felt called to serve in the Mission Field. Despite different attempts an...