For All That You Have Done for Us - 2014
January - the Flood Your grace will never be forgot Your mercy all my life February - Maddie turns 4! Will be my source for every song My story and my light March - the end of snow...finally! From mountain top to valley low through laughter and through tears April - learning patience Surely the goodness of my God Will follow all the year April - Hannah turns 6! For all that you have done for us For every battle won May - a much needed getaway We'll raise a song to bless your heart For all that you have done June - moving on from our lives of 5.5 years You know our failures and regrets You always led us home July - redefining what summer break really is Redemption's arm has raised us up Our triumph in the storm August - first days of school all around In unity we'll stand as one A valiantly we'll go September - the Stache Dash Shoulder to should...