
Showing posts from February, 2014

what I crave

In the car, early morning, sun just rising over the horizon.  Coffee in one hand, hoping for it to warm up my insides a bit.  Two children in the back seat, ready for a day of school.  School that has been a rarity this winter. Despite the sweet voices coming from the back seat, the new day dawning, and the fragrant coffee, I still feel dark.  Don't know why this cloud keeps following me around.  I don't want it.  I haven't asked it to stay. But stay it does. As I stare through the windshield a song comes on the radio.  The words catch me and I turn it up: Hope sleeps without me Her sweet dreams surround me, But I'm left out I'll need a fix now To believe, to feel These rooms are dark now These halls are hollow, And so am I She is hard to find now To believe To see I won't turn to dust now Let these tears rust now on my face Give me the spark now To believe To see       ...

Lifesong Mission Moment

"Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the cause of orphans. Fight for the rights of widows." Isaiah 1:17 Advocate . There are countless ways to advocate for the orphan whether through adoption, sponsorship, in-country orphan care or prayer (just to name a few). Enjoy this month's Mission Moment as we highlight some of these advocate opportunities... ADVOCATING FOR THE ORPHAN {Chris Hopf} Chris Hopf, a pastor at Second Baptist Church (Houston, TX) and India Orphan Advocate, shares what it means to be an advocate for orphans abroad and in your own community. Listen in... To learn more about becoming an Orphan Advocate, visit . FINDING A NEW FAMILY {Maryjuri's Story}  Meet Maryjuri, a 13-year-old at Plan Escalon School in Honduras who is learning the power of redemption from her own life's circumstances. Listen in to hear how God has given her a NEW family and a NEW belonging. Become an ADV...

Romans 12:3

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. I don't think I would be the first Christian to think that in order to be a humble, one must think little, or nothing, of themselves. With the world harping on us all about self esteem and finding "me time"  I suppose it makes sense to go the "I'm the least among everyone" route since it's counter-intuitive to the world's culture. But what if this is a call to think practically about ourselves?  To not look at ourselves through rose-colored glasses? Can we acknowledge what we are good at, and still be humble about it? I think it can sometimes be hard to do.  To be able to voice outloud what our strengths are.  Seems arrogant. But perhaps we need to find the balance.  Not think so much of ourselves that we can't see our flaws.  But also not think so little of ou...

January Lookback

 Well, January.  I am glad that you are over.  Sorry.  But it is true.  There was a ton of snow, not enough school and a little bit too much personal property destruction for my taste.  I won't hold it against you, January.  I am sure you have some redeeming qualities, and maybe next year you will do better. For now, I will look to the highlights, shake my head at the lowlights, and thank God for the blessings (there are many!) among the curses.  Snow days = puzzles.  And the ones of beaches are the best.  So glad we had a chance to see the Muellers before they headed back out into the snow!  Our towered snowman just as the Blizzard was setting in...  and the view from the front porch the evening after it blew through.  Did you know that when it is cold enough you can throw boiling water  into the air and it turns to snow?  More snowed in activities!  You can't s...

Celebration in the midst of it all

4 years ago we welcomed a dark haired individual into our family.  Madeline Nichole was born. She's grown up among teenagers and adults.  Content to play alone while everyone is at school.  But demanding of the spotlight when there are people to give it. She has been our snuggler from the get-go.  I was afraid she would have grown out of it by now, but thankfully, she still loves to cuddle into me, give me kisses all over my face, and walk with her hand in mine. Madeline makes us laugh daily, if not hourly.  That child has a knack. I love to see glimpses of the young lady she may one day be.  Gentle with babies.  Compassion for those who are hurt or crying.  Praying daily for missionaries and 'those kids with no food or toys.' Happy Birthday, Madeline.  We pray you continue to grow into the child of God that He has intended for you to be.  We love you and we are so glad you are part of our family!