what I crave
In the car, early morning, sun just rising over the horizon. Coffee in one hand, hoping for it to warm up my insides a bit. Two children in the back seat, ready for a day of school. School that has been a rarity this winter. Despite the sweet voices coming from the back seat, the new day dawning, and the fragrant coffee, I still feel dark. Don't know why this cloud keeps following me around. I don't want it. I haven't asked it to stay. But stay it does. As I stare through the windshield a song comes on the radio. The words catch me and I turn it up: Hope sleeps without me Her sweet dreams surround me, But I'm left out I'll need a fix now To believe, to feel These rooms are dark now These halls are hollow, And so am I She is hard to find now To believe To see I won't turn to dust now Let these tears rust now on my face Give me the spark now To believe To see ...