well that explains it

Who here has taken a personality test? Ok, y'all can put your hands down. My guess is that a large number of you have taken some kind of personality test at some point in your lives. Whether its those all revealing ones from Seventeen magazine ( What kind of girlfriend are you? ) or something a bit deeper like finding out whether you are a beaver or a lion or a German shepherd or...something else. I've kinda always been fascinated by those tests, always trying to find something that better explains me to myself. I usually could agree with the tests I took...sort of. Last fall I came across a different test, one I had not ever taken - the Myers-Briggs. I had heard of it in college but thought it was something that a psychologist administered, or someone with some high level of education. However, you can take it online at 16personalities.com . I turned out to be a INFJ . Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging (yikes!) It went on to...