The kids

My Grandma Steffen would have said "they're not kids, kids are goats, they're children." But anyways : ) I thought i would talk about the kids since you most likely check this blog for that and not my random complaints : ) Hannah is cracking us up these days: babbling and pointing. She loves animals and gets so excited when she sees dogs, cats, the animals in the barn, even those in books. She is starting to say a word that sounds like doggy and is definetly saying daddy very clearly. She loves books and a certain one that has animals in it with fuzzy pages for feeling. She'll sort through all the books until she finds it and will crawl around with it until she find someone to read it to her. If i'm on the floor she loves to come over and just sit in my lap. Hannah is starting to give kisses and can be cuddly at times which i love :) Owen says the darndest things which crack us up. He is still facinated with trains, planes, and "happercappers...