When you have a minute...
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It was one of those moments. Each kid was occupied with a book, homework, computer game, something. All I know is that the house was quiet. I had dinner as prepped as it could be as I waited for the water to boil. I had, essentially, a moment of quiet. An empty slot of time to do nothing but wait. Your first thought may be, “Good for her. I never have those.” But, I’m guessing, if you thought about it, you just might. Standing in a checkout line. Arriving to a coffee shop before a friend. Sitting in the van waiting on school to let out. Standing at the counter waiting on the coffee to brew. Throughout our day there are little moments of time where we are waiting but we may find it hard to identify them as such because we are so used to filling them up. Those scenarios I listed, how many of them would be quickly followed by: I picked up my phone or I tuned into a podcast or I turned on the radio How often do we,...
Let's ditch the "just"
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Heart. For the last 10 years I have been training for and running half marathons. My husband and I always do a specific one every October, going to back to the city where we first lived as newlyweds. I pretty much run 3 days a week year round. But, I have a hard time calling myself a runner. Since elementary I have loved to write. I would always get excited for any writing assignment that was given. While the rest of the class groaned, I grinned. As an adult, I have been writing on a blog for over a decade and even self-published an Advent devotional last year. But, I have a hard time calling myself a writer. Because I’m not the fastest, haven’t taken home any awards, and don’t really have a runner’s physique, I disqualify myself from the “runner” category. Because a publisher hasn’t taken an interest in my book, I lack confidence that my writing is good, and it feels too self-serving to call myself a writer, I disqualify myself from that category as w...
That time when someone disappoints you
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It’s inevitable. At some point in time, someone in your life is going to let you down. Your expectation of what you thought they would say or do falls short and you are disappointed. Someone you trusted is caught in a lie. A friend who is loyal is found to have broken your confidence. A family member who you held in high regard is shown to be deceitful. I recently had an experience of finding out that a person I thought of as one of integrity was part of an aggressive, foolish act. It left me feeling deflated, a bit confused, and very disappointed. As I was sitting at a red light, fighting tears, I handed it to God. I asked Him what I was supposed to do with it. And He reminded me of the life of Moses. I was prompted to dive a bit deeper and so I took a walk through the books of Exodus and Numbers. Time and time again Moses was disappointed by God’s chosen people, the Israelites. Either they were complaining, disobeying, or doubting. Moses ...
Is your home secure...?
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We all describe our homes in different ways and we all have different goals for what we want our home to be to us. But, one thing we can all agree on, is that we want our home to feel safe. On average, Americans spend $20.64 billion on home security systems every year. Clearly, we want our homes to feel secure and we're willing to shell out the money to make it that way. But while our homes may be physically safe, how safe are they spiritually? A century ago it was a lot simpler. You didn't let unknown people in your home, you could easily track which books, mail, or newspapers came in or out. You could turn off the one radio in your home if you didn't want your children to hear the news. Today it's a lot more complicated with phones, internet, and television. You can monitor it all, but things can still creep through. All of these ‘voices’ speaking into our family's lives can wreak spiritual warfare on all of us. So, while we have a handle on ou...
You have a choice to make
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A few years back we moved into a new home. It had a decent sized yard, so the first thing my husband wanted to do was start a garden. Unfortunately, the whole yard was grass. There was no previously cut spot of exposed dirt for a garden. We had to start from scratch. This involved cutting up the sod and tilling up the dirt. Many sweaty and exhausting hours later we finally had a rectangle of space for our garden! We planned out the rows, decided on what we wanted to plant, and put the seeds in the ground. Within a week or two, the sprouts started to appear. But, they weren’t the only ones. The grass wanted to take it’s space back. For a time, we let the grass go, mingling in with the newly sprouted seedlings. But the grass was more aggressive than the beans and peas and we couldn’t let it go any longer. We took to weeding, pulling out the grass and weeds at their roots. Unfortunately, because the weeds had become so prevalent, it was hard to pul...
What Isaiah had to say about worship, it may be different than what you think...
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Heart. As Christ followers, our first response to any trial or difficulty should be to turn to Him. Seek Him is prayer and wait for His leading. When we see hard things around us, our first response should be to pray. In this past year there have been events, on a global scale, that feel large and beyond anything we can impact. We may feel this is the time to step back, remind ourselves that we’re not of this world, and continue in prayer in our safe little corner. True, we need to keep an eternal focus. This world isn’t our home, we’re only here for a time. But God’s not expecting us to just hold on and wait. He’s also called us to be His hands and feet. His words from Isaiah 58, though originally written to the wayward family of Israel, can still speak into our lives today. The nation of Israel was going through the motions of their faith, meanwhile their hearts were not devoted to God. The following seven verses speak to the worship that God ...