When you have a minute...

It was one of those moments. Each kid was occupied with a book, homework, computer game, something. All I know is that the house was quiet. I had dinner as prepped as it could be as I waited for the water to boil. I had, essentially, a moment of quiet. An empty slot of time to do nothing but wait. Your first thought may be, “Good for her. I never have those.” But, I’m guessing, if you thought about it, you just might. Standing in a checkout line. Arriving to a coffee shop before a friend. Sitting in the van waiting on school to let out. Standing at the counter waiting on the coffee to brew. Throughout our day there are little moments of time where we are waiting but we may find it hard to identify them as such because we are so used to filling them up. Those scenarios I listed, how many of them would be quickly followed by: I picked up my phone or I tuned into a podcast or I turned on the radio How often do we,...