Intentional Series: Relationships

Relationships. I believe we were not made to be an island. We were created for community. For those of us who bend toward the introvert personality, that can make us itchy all over. People drain us. We need quiet and alone time to recharge and function. For those extroverts, community sounds fantastic - people all the time! You thrive on fellowship and surrounding yourself with humans. But, I think most us, introvert and extrovert alike, can find ourselves alone at times. Very alone. And I do not think this is good. Like I said before, we are made for community. We are made to be with others. It is with others that we learn how to be considerate, have empathy, and think outside ourselves. The Enemy likes to separate us. Likes to show us how we are all different and how very alone we are in this world. He wants us to think we are the only ones going through our problem, our pain, our struggle. Isolation. It's where the dark thoughts start to thrive and we begin to l...