August Lookback

August kept us running, literally and figuratively. It started out with a hustle as Paul and I both had jobs to help with the Annual Gateway Woods Benefit Auction. Sunup to Sundown that first week of August was moving. But the Lord brought the increase, as the Auction was able to bring in over $600,000 in around 6 hours time... Auction bled into school starting, which brought structure, but also brought the need to seek our quality time over quantity time as suddenly our schedules have us going a lot of different directions. But there were many reason to smile, to live in gratitude, and even laugh despite the rough spots. And I managed to get a few pictures in, too. It can be kind of hard to describe, and pretty incredible all the volunteers to takes to make this come together, but this Auction amazes me year after year, as well as what God does with it. One thing I wasn't expecting to come out of this auction....three goats that now belong to us..... ...