May Lookback

Wooo, May. You were a bit nuts. You kept us moving from sunup to sundown. Soccer, Ballet, Jog-A-Thon, End of School Events, Potluck, Coffee with a Friend, Date Night (YES!!), plus a whole lot more in between. There were a lot of hard things that happened in May, things that can't be put into pictures, hard life-altering things, that happened to a lot of people who are in our circle. As an empath , I struggle to focus as my heart breaks for them, as I bring them before the Throne of our Father. I count it a privilege that I can be a prayer warrior for them. As I witness them glorifying God through their suffering, I am humbled by what I can learn from them. Plus it shows me I have so far to go. The things that can be put into pictures, well, there is quite a line up for May: Soccer Season, it can be 40 and raining one week and 70's the next. One week, because of colliding schedules, I had to coach Owen's soccer team for Paul. It was, well, that face belo...