October Lookback

I love October. The cooler weather, the blue of the sky, the sound of the leaves as you rustle through them. For the last several years October has also meant Race Month. The culmination of months of training ends at the Columbus Marathon. This year I did the full 26.2 instead of the 13.1. It was exhilarating. It was inspiring. It was painful. But oh, so worth it. To be able to run in support of our friends Justin and Carey and in memory of their son was an honor indeed. The month was also filled up with barn building, family get togethers, Owen's birthday, and Grandparents' Day. October did not disappoint. Owen turns 10! I've been a mom for a decade....seems like I should have this parenting thing figured out by now but I am finding out daily I still have a long way to go. Hannah and Madeline made him birthday gifts. Hannah made her own Lego Kit, complete with hand-drawn instructions. I think it is supposed to be a computer....? ...