June Lookback

Well, it's still July so I'm getting slightly better with these Lookback posts. Getting out of school before Memorial Day made June all the more better. It wasn't tainted by any school days, Paul was in summer mode, there was Vacation Bible School to attend, and a vacation to look forward to at the end. June was full but it was all good. Reminders all around that God is good, even in the hard . And that His Love can be found in the little things that make up a day. Finding a tree frog named Greenie Having friends who let you use their pool Enjoying the local park that has a river rock play area + splash pad Stuffing rocks in your shirt just because... Watching Paul play basketball. I enjoyed in 16+ years ago in high school and I enjoy it still. Marathon training and finding mulberries while waiting to hand off Gatorade The kids had allowance burning a hole in their pockets so we headed to the candy sto...