
Showing posts from November, 2012

Painful good-byes

It's been awhile since I've posted.  It's not for lack of ideas. I've actually had quite a few things going through my head with this season of thanks and celebration upon us.  I've just usually gave into exhaustion and a cup of tea at the end of the day instead of typing it all out. But what has spurred me on to type tonight has my heart all twisted up.  My emotions on the brink of spilling out. We've had some ups and downs this fall with the different kids coming through our door.  We've gotten 4 new residents in the last 2 months. Each has come with their own baggage.  Their own challenges.  Their own demons. But tomorrow we have to say good-bye.  Good-bye to the kid who sees the Truth laid out in front of him but yet chooses a different path. The kid who is 14 but inwardly feels about 8. The kid who never really knew what it was like to have a mother love him unconditionally.  Who placed his needs above her own.  Who had...

Veterans' Day reflection

I don't know too many people personally that have gone to war for me. Although I do have some family members who have served in the armed forces. Cousins. Uncles. Grandpa. My dad. I think that is that one that strikes me the most.  Even though my dad didn't know me yet as he signed up to go fight a war. To leave family and security behind. To trade it for nightmarish reminders and medical affliction that still plague him today. I don't know all the reasons behind why he signed up.  But I believe he was wanting to see freedom for others who did not have it.  Freedom that he enjoyed here in America. He went, along with many, many others to fight a controversial war. I don't know many details.  As one could guess, my dad doesn't share too many of the stories of his time oversees in uniform.  But that's OK.  I've seen him suffer physically over the last 20+ years to know that all things were not pleasant. My dad was exposed to disease an...

October Reflections

And just like that.....we are in November. October has been a month of lessons learned on love. What does the Love of God look like in our lives? How are we showing this to those around us? So often I fall into the pit of believing that I can show other's God's love on my own strength and will.  I try it and I find myself exhausted and wrung out and sitting in my closet, crying on the floor. You might think I am exaggerating.....I'm not. But God, in His patience and mercy, shows me how I am not capable of this.  It is only when I allow Him to work through me that other can start seeing God's love in my life.  Then it is not MY love being poured out to is HIS love filling me up, overflowing into the lives of those that surround me. So let my life be the proof, The proof of Your love Let my love look like You and what You're made of How You lived, how You died Love is sacrifice So let my life be the proof, The proof of Your love  ...