
Showing posts from August, 2012

Celebrating a Milestone

10 years ago, despite our lack of a bank account or life experience, Paul and I embarked on the adventure of marriage together. August 24, 2002 Today we celebrate the ups and downs that have made up our last decade.  Between the two of us we have: owned 9 cars worked at 7 jobs lived in 5 homes brought 3 children into this world went through college....twice. And many more things that may or may not ever be mentioned.... Nearly 10 years later - celebrating with a trip to Bermuda I can say I love him more than the day I married him, and no doubt will love him more the day we celebrate another 10 years. I love you, Paul!  I am so glad I get to share life with you and that you are willing to share yours with me!  May God be given ALL the glory! Happy 10 year anniversary!

Note to Owen

It happened so quickly. Maybe when my back was turned doing dishes. Or perhaps putting a load of laundry in the washer. Or even in one of those moments when I blinked. I tried to slow it down, cherish the moments. But it still happened. Owen is heading to Kindergarten.   In one week. I have already become a weepy mess and the day is not even here.  The thought of our son heading off to a bit of life outside of us is tearing me up.  But I knew this day would come, and I am glad it is here, for his sake.  Owen loves to learn and he is so excited to go to school. But I think of all those unknowns for him, those things that I went through that I really don't want him to experience.  I don't want to see him hurt.  I cringe of thinking of that day when someone verbally tears him down for something that at one point he cherished about himself.  Causing him to doubt everything about himself that at one time seemed so sure. I want him ...


To date, we have seen 35 different children come through our doors in the last 3 1/2 years. 35. We were discussing some past kids a few days ago and went back and counted each one and were a bit rocked by the number. I mean, I know we have met, lived with, cried with, loved on a lot of kids.  But 35?  And we aren't done yet. All I can say is that "His grace is sufficient." We were in the van the other night and one of our girls asked if we remember all the names of the kids we have worked with. "Of course.  We give each one of you kids a piece of our hearts.  And we remember where those pieces go."  That kinda just came out.  I didn't rehearse that line before I said it but once it was said I knew it was my heart speaking. Aren't there days when some things just feel huge?  You look at the big mountain of challenge ahead of you and think that there is no way you can scale that one. It could be a job, a relationship, the mundane tasks...