
Showing posts from February, 2009

Potty Trained!

I think that I can officially say that Owen is potty trained - whew! He still wears a diaper for naps and at night but I don't count that because he's sleeping :) He has been accident free for about 2 weeks now and now goes to church and other public places with undies on. He likes to sit on the potty and listen for the sound of pee - he'll look up and say "I hear it!" Goofy kid... I know I am going to look back on this and wonder why I tried potty training at the same time we were starting a new job and moving but somehow it all worked out. Again, Whew!
Hannah has been introduced to the word 'no.' Up to this point she hasn't really gotten into anything or shown any defiance to warrant us using the word. However, we have moved into a home that has vertical blinds on the patio doors in the kitchen. This has been a source of interest for both Owen and Hannah. We discourage them from playing with them simply because i don't want them to bust and then have to figure out how to replace them. Owen does well with the redirect and discipline but Hannah will crawl over and start swishing the blinds. When we tell her 'no' she looks up at us with this sweet face like "I'm not doing anything. what did you think i was doing?" But we know she understands us because she looks back at the blinds and kinda wiggles her fingers and thinks about touching them again. we go : ) On a different note: Last night we were putting the kids to bed and Owen wanted to say the prayers (we have always said them...

Another Update

Well, as of last Saturday we are all moved in to our place in Grabill (many thanks to our parents and my brother, Sam - Thank you, thank you, thank you! Unfortunately , we are still waiting on Internet hookup and so i am doing my blog post from Gateway campus while we are on duty. The kids are still at school and i have about 15 - 20 minutes before they come home. Hannah had her 9 month checkup this last week and is weighing in at 21 lbs even. She continues to crawl around using her walrus flop technique and Owen is learning the fine art of sharing. For those who were wondering, we live in a house in Grabill 2/3 of the month (this house is owned by Gateway). And then when the main houseparents take their time off (9 days out of the month) then we stay at the home on campus with the residents and take over as houseparents . The days that we are not covering as houseparents are maintenance days and we do whatever needs done around campus and help out the houseparents as neede...