Let's ditch the "just"

Heart. For the last 10 years I have been training for and running half marathons. My husband and I always do a specific one every October, going to back to the city where we first lived as newlyweds. I pretty much run 3 days a week year round. But, I have a hard time calling myself a runner. Since elementary I have loved to write. I would always get excited for any writing assignment that was given. While the rest of the class groaned, I grinned. As an adult, I have been writing on a blog for over a decade and even self-published an Advent devotional last year. But, I have a hard time calling myself a writer. Because I’m not the fastest, haven’t taken home any awards, and don’t really have a runner’s physique, I disqualify myself from the “runner” category. Because a publisher hasn’t taken an interest in my book, I lack confidence that my writing is good, and it feels too self-serving to call myself a writer, I disqualify myself from that category as w...