The #1 way to keep track of your money

Money. When my husband and I first married, I was newly graduated with an Associates Degree and he still had two more years to go at a major State University. We married young, we were both 20, and did not have a whole lot of cash between us. When we combined our bank accounts the number was 4 digits....barely. Thankfully, we both lean towards saving versus spending, and were content to live on cheap noodles, a zero dollar entertainment budget, and even went as long as possible without heat (the apartment reached 50 degrees when we finally turned on the furnace). Back then, it was fairly simple to keep track of expenditures - we just didn't make any. But, as life goes on, a mortgage is added to the mix, children add to the expenses, and things like medical issues and car breakdowns seem to be more often than not. We didn't really have to create a budget in the early days, we just saved as much as we could. But once kids came on the scene, it was clear that we...