
Showing posts from December, 2017

Prepare Him Room

 "Let every heart prepare Him room" We may sing that song but do we really think about those words? As we are in the final days of Advent, as we prepare so many others things for Christmas, have we taken the time to pause, and prepare our hearts? We have just a few more days until Christmas. But all that prep in the meantime is for naught if we are planning to celebrate the arrival of our King, but have not taken the time for our hearts to receive Him.  There's still time. ***** Time . Oh boy. Touchy subject. We all have the same amount of time yet we so often think ours is the most important or think we are the one entitled to more of it. #guilty But as we are in this countdown to Christmas, time may feel even more packed than usual. We are in this season of Advent, and only One really is worthy of our time.   We may be celebrating Christmas and the birth of a Savior, but have we taken time to spend with Him? Before the hustle of ...


As I ushered my kids out the door this morning; hugs, kisses, and assurance that each had their lunch, a thought fleeted through my mind. 1 week until Christmas. Now, when that thought comes to you, how does it make you feel?  Exited? Or overwhelmed? When that thought came in my head, my first thought was of excitement.  Excited for Christmas break, for the kids and Paul to be home for 2 weeks, no homework, no lunches to pack. Excited to have evenings at home together and celebrating Christmas together as a family. And then the next thought came charging through: I still have so much to prepare. I looked up the definition of prepare. Yeah, yeah, I know what the word means. But, just like reading lyrics to a song can help you better understand it, reading a definition of a well known word can bring new light. Prepare.   1 a : to make ready beforehand for some purpose, use, ...

2017 Suvar Christmas Letter

For the last 6 years we have taken the money that we would have used to pay for Christmas cards, pictures, and postage and put that money towards a charity.  For the last six years that money has gone to World Vision to buy a goat and a few chickens for a family in poverty. Last year we were able to add a cow to the mix as well, thanks to my commissions from Rodan+Fields.  This year, with the increase in commissions from my side business, we are able to purchase the chickens, goats, and cow, plus support a local family in need.  We aren't tell you all this so that the light can shine on us. Rather, we share this with you so that others may see the Light that inspires us to give of ourselves. We can only give because He first gave to us. "Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify YOUR FATHER in heaven." Summary of Matthew 5:16     As my friend Carey says, "Our arrow points UP." So instead of a picture in the ma...

Perfectionist and trying not to be

This year I was part of the committee to create and direct the Christmas Program with our Sunday School students at church. Drama and skits was not a “thing” for anyone on our committee, and so we focused more on music and scripture readings. Even at that, it still felt like quite the production and my easily stressed personality tried it’s best to take it in stride. Tried being the key word. The Program came, and it went. And no surprise, it all turned out fine. And now that it is done, and that responsibility if off my mind, I feel like I can finally get into the Christmas Spirit. How sad. How sad that my cheer can be so easily offset by responsibilities, to do lists, and expectations. I know there are other recovering perfectionists out there. How do you deal? How do you set aside expectations you set on yourself? How do you deal when you fall short of what you had in your mind? In this striving to NOT keep up with the Joneses, what ...