Week 8: The Task that is never done....

Growing up, I was in 4-H. Most of the time I took projects for cooking and sewing, and an occasional woodworking. I desired to have an animal, but that one never materialized. But one year I took Laundry. Yep. I don't really remember why I chose that direction. It could be just because I didn't want to take on another sewing project that year. Unfortunately, the joke was on me, because now my mom fully expected me to help with laundry. I could no longer plead ignorance and put the red sock in with the whites. I was without excuse. At the time, I most likely saw that as a big bummer and a cramp on my 'schedule.' Today, I'm glad to have helped out with that area because it kind of came without even thinking, the necessity of my kids helping out with this chore. This picture has nothing to do with laundry, but as I have next to nothing for laundry pics (who does?!) so I posted a throw-back pic instead. circa 2011 As a wise friend once said, "...