Seder 2016
The lamb, the wine, the matzoh. The bitter herbs, the green herbs, the Haroseth. I love symbolism. Hidden meanings behind things. Small glimpses that point to a much bigger picture. And the Passover meal is FULL of it. As we celebrated the Seder dinner this evening with our kids I was gripped again with the beauty of God's story, and how He wove the thread of Jesus into every fabric of it. There are four cups that we drank tonight. I Kuddush - the cup of Thanksgiving II Haggadah - the cup of Deliverance III The Cup of Blessing IV The Cup of Melchizedek During the Cup of Blessing the words are spoken that the Lord is the giver of all our sustenance. How astounding then, when Jesus stands up during his Last Supper, and announces that He IS the bread. He IS our sustenance. And that our sustenance, what we need to live, would be broken so that we may never die. During the Cup of Melchizedek the words are spoken about Melc...