Every good and perfect thing
The saga continues. Like a bad joke that keeps coming up. Paul and I were going to leave on a much anticipated weekend getaway with dear friends that we hadn't seen in more than a decade. We were T-minus 30 minutes from departure when I heard that gut-wrenching sound: Rushing water. Above my head. And then I saw it. Running down the wall, a waterfall in the doorway. Yep. We have had yet another busted pipe. You cannot make this stuff up. Thankfully, oh, my praise the Lord, thankfully, I was in the exact same place as the leak when the pipe busted. I had a moment of complete shock as I stared at the water falling from the ceiling, but then made a rush to the water pump and turned the sucker off. Thankfully, I was there to turn it off and the water damage is minimal. Thankfully, I was there, because originally I wasn't supposed to be. Originally I was supposed to be on a field trip with Maddie, with none of us coming home until 45 minutes after th...