
Showing posts from September, 2014

Starting Conversation about Orphans - Lifesong Mission Moment

Are you having trouble communicating why you have chosen to walk the adoption journey? Or maybe you have tried time and time again to get your church to start an adoption or orphan care ministry, and it just hasn't clicked yet. How do you start and kindly facilitate a conversation that shows God's heart for the orphan and our response as the church? Host a Coffee Conversation. Coffee shops tend to create an environment where people connect through conversations over a warm cup of joe or a refreshing iced latte. Recreate this atmosphere by hosting an intentional Coffee Conversation  with your church, Sunday school class or small group. Maybe it's a one-on-one meeting with your pastor at a local coffee shop or maybe it's an event with small group.  Use this kit to help you share about the needs and opportunities to care for orphans with provided discussion questions and scripture references. How it works: Visit

On giving to those in need and showing hospitality

Share with the Lord’s people  who are in need.  Practice hospitality.   Romans 12:13 I sit in wonder again at how God works in even the little details of our lives. Back in January I set up the "schedule" as far as what verse of Romans 12 I was going to focus on for each month.  I had no idea what was planned all the way out in September.  The calendar was clear. But here I am, with the verse staring me in the face:  Share with your Brothers and Sisters.  Give to them that are in need.  Practice hospitality. I've already posted once this month in a way that we all can show support and give to another one of our brothers and sisters.   And even though we would love your monetary donation to help out hurting children, even more we would love your prayers.  Prayers for Justin and Carey, for their marriage, for their two surviving children, for their ministry as they share their story with others.  We...

Looking for a little help

Last year, you may recall Paul and I running the Columbus Marathon. You may remember it be a bit different for us than in times past. Well, this year we are doing it again. Running in memory of Bryer. Running in support of his parents who have continued on without their sweet baby in their arms. Running for all those other little kids fighting for their lives right now in Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. And you can be a part of it. Paul and I are looking for friends and family to donate just $10. When you donate, all the money goes to the hospital and helps pay for the little things that can help brighten a little one's day.  Or their tired, bedraggle mother.  Or their exhausted father. Our entire team is hoping to raise $7,928. That is a dollar for every hour that Bryer  ran his own personal marathon. This Friday marks one year since Bryer finished his earthly race.  Can you help us reach our goal by then? ...

August Look Back

August was FULL. Full of New. New job for Paul. New job for me. New teachers for Owen and Hannah. New schedule for Maddie as she got to visit various friends houses while I worked and she waited for her day to start Preschool (not until after Labor Day!) New baby niece which also brought new parent titles to my brother and his wife. As we attempt to settle into all this sort of new going on, I pray that God's Spirit can be felt.  Moving among us as we see how our family now operates outside the parameters of houseparenting.  I pray our hearts are receptive to His Spirit and its leading, in whatever direction He takes us next. For now we are caught up in the new and struggling against the constraints of time and schedules, priorities and commitments. And seeking and striving to keep God in the center of it all. Otherwise, this crazy ship's gonna fall apart.  Helping dig trenches to help with drainage (this house likes water...sigh) Produce!...