
Showing posts from August, 2013

11 years

I think Paul summed it up best as we walked around Meijer last evening while on our "anniversary date." "I think what I like best about being married for 11 years is that we can walk around Meijer, and not have to worry if the other person thinks it's lame.  Because we both are comfortable enough with each other that just hanging out in a store is enough for us.  We want to make each other happy, and we strive for that, but we're past having to try to impress each other." And for us, that is just right.

Lifesong Mission Moment

Thankfulness . We honored to stand beside so many of you in your faithful service to God and His call to love and care for the orphan. Join us in praising God for the work that He continues to do through the Church! Listen in on HIS provision in Honduras and the opportunity to join the work through sponsorship... Centro Vida Construction Complete // HONDURAS Please enjoy this video featuring Honduras' brand new multi-purpose building, Centro Vida, which includes assembly space as well as a large kitchen. This building is just part of the incredible work going on in Honduras to equip over 575 vulnerable children & young adults with not only the Gospel, but hope for a future! It's exciting to see Centro Vida's completion on Plan Escalon's 25th anniversary of serving orphans and vulnerable children. Want to see more updates at Plan Escalon? Check out the kitchen renovation video thanks to the amazing help from our partners at Retail Orphan Initiative ...

Home, and where we think it is

For the first 20 years of my life I lived in the same house. Same yard, same neighbors, same street. There was security in the sameness. And then I got married and in the next decade moved 5 times.  Home, for a long time, was a place, a structure that did not move. I am fighting against the thought that home is not that at all.  There is a part of me that wants home to be that house.  That place that will always be there and always be the same. But when you move from one place to the next, you've got to redefine what home is.  Otherwise, you'll never be home. This past year has caused me to stretch my thinking in that regard.  To realize even more that "this world is not my home, I'm just passing through." I realized the other day that several of our missionary friends have all made major moves in the last couple months. From America to Ethiopia From Illinois to Michigan for Campus Crusade (with a newborn!) From Senegal to America (on f...

Guest Blogging - Praying God's Word Over Our Children

A dear friend of mine, whom I've known for over a decade, has a blog that calls each of us parents to daily prayer for our children.  I have so enjoyed reading her daily posts and following along with her throughout this year as we pray scripture over our kids. On Friday, she asked if I could guest post on her blog.  My most recent post about Hannah heading of to Kindergarten was part of it.   I highly recommend checking out her blog , and join us in being prayer warriors for our children. Thanks, Renee, for the opportunity!

Note to Hannah

Last year at this time Owen was heading off to Kindergarten . And now, following on his heels, Hannah is heading off to Kindergarten this year. Although I am having similar feelings that I did last year, they do vary a bit.  Obviously I've done this before.  Second child syndrome perhaps, but the trepidation of sending Hannah into something new isn't as extreme, especially since she gets the same wonderful teacher that Owen had last year. But I still have that concern of sending her off into a classroom of peers.  It brings back all of my own feelings of inadequacy, and wanting other to like me, and trying to find my place among all the other kids. As I've said in another post , we often focus on making sure our kids find their value in God's eyes, and not in another human's favor.  It seems like they get it. They get it in the safe, comfortable place of home. But I think of all those unknowns for Hannah, those things that I went through that ...

July Lookback

Maddie and her friend, Elliott.  I could not get them to both look at the camera at the same time. If my lack of pictures from July is any indication...well...July was, um, July at Gateway.  Lots of stuff going on, my camera was pushed to the wayside, and here we are in August.  But school is on the horizon, and hopefully a breather will come with it.   Just a few precious days of summer left with Owen and Hannah before they head off to school...sniff. Fort building.  This one blocked all access to the bathroom and bedroom.   Had to do a trek over the couch to get there. Hannah has learned to ride a bike! Ultimate Frisbee on Sunday afternoon.  A Gateway summer tradition

The End of a Long Goodbye

I knew the day was coming, and it was inevitable. I knew there was going to be the last evening meet-up for Applebee's half-price appetizers. The last time walking the Gateway track after the sun went down The last time sitting by each other in church The last time I went over to her house for a chat There were a lot of 'last times' and they stretched over months. But tonight.  Tonight was the end of the good-byes. I was thankful to have been lucky enough to sit by her in church this morning.  Sing Fellowship of the Saints and read verses like Psalm 46: God is out refuge and our strength, a very present help in trouble.   All words that take on a different meaning when you are sitting beside your friend who is ready to embark on a life across the ocean. So tonight we enjoyed a little time with the Wiegands. A little hang-out in the empty auction tents. It was a little windy... A lap around the Gateway track. Some homemade ice cream from Gr...

Lifesong Mission Moment

Lifesong Farms. Through the partnership and expertise from our friends at Plant Sciences, Inc. , jobs have been created for in-county orphan caregivers and orphan graduates who are transitioning into adulthood. The goal of Lifesong Farms is to not only benefit these individuals with employment, but also to establish sustainable businesses to help fund on-going orphan care. Enjoy these updates from Lifesong Farms in Zambia and Ukraine... "OUR LIVES HAVE BEEN CHANGED..." // Zambia Because of the faithful work of our 16 farm ladies, we have been able to grow and sell berries to local grocery stores. More important than the berries sales, it is exciting to provide employment opportunities for these women, many of them widows, who care for multiple children. Learn more about Lifesong Farms-Zambia>> BERRIES SOLD IN GROCERIES // Ukraine Strawberries from Lifesong Farms-Ukraine are now in 5 different grocery stores in the Kharkov area. Sergei (p...